We live in a strange world where people spend millions of dollars on stuff they don`t need while other people don`t have a thing to eat or drink. One example of this problem is in Africa where the closest water sources to some villages are kilometres away. The villagers (mostly women) have to walk all that way to get to the water, but the same water they drink is the water people bathe in, wash clothes in, clean their livestock in, and go to the washroom in. This dirty water could wreak havoc on someone`s immune system. Problems such as this are what make this world a strange place but if we all did little things to help, then life would be easier for everyone.
Millions of people live on both sides of life. On our side, we have access to food and water whenever we want. We are worried about little things like what to wear, while many people only have one thing to wear. Almost all of us are greedy; we spend millions of dollars on the lottery when almost none of us win it. And the sad thing is: with all the money made from lotteries around the world, we could eliminate world hunger and more!
Despite many people ignoring the issue, there are those who are taking action. More and more food banks for the homeless are being set up, wells are being built in Africa so that it’s easy for people to get clean drinking water, and the list goes on no matter how small the good deed. You can help make a difference too by spreading the word of an organization like World Vision or Free The Children for one thing. Another way to help is to volunteer your time for charity services such as a food bank. If all 6.9 billion people on this planet did their part, not only would life be much better for everyone, but as a species we could do so much more.
Friday, October 2, 2009
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"we spend millions of dollars on the lottery when almost none of us win it." - Wow, i never really thought of the lottery that way, that's a really good point. Also, i really like the intro!
Nice title.
i cant believe that this is happening around the world
Really deep. I like it.
I agree with Lauren, Tristan J.R.M., "Strange World" is a great title. It works to draw your reader in right from the very start. You have made some good connections within this piece of writing that are new to your audience and given them a few new things to think about - the last line especially.
Keegan and I cousin's in law
Keegan and I cousin's in law
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