Through the years D.C. has gone through many changes; from programming to looks, to advertising. For example, in the beginning, D.C.’s logo consisted of its name and a sphere in white with a black background. Now the logo is 3D and contains a detailed earth, which to be honest isn’t much different. Another thing, the shows that appeared ten or years ago were much different. You can imagine the old fashioned documentaries. Nowadays there are more in depth and exiting science shows (Brainiac Science Abuse especially).
All in all Discovery Channel is just plain awesome in every way possible. But the one thing that I would really like to point out before I finish is why D.C. is closely related to the meaning of life. If you are reading this blog you will probably notice the big “42” above this post. Well, Douglas Adams wrote in his book that the meaning of life is 42. I’m a big fan of this book and D.C. was channel 42 on our TV, coincidence, I think not!