Monday, May 24, 2010
Incoherent Thoughts
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Cause & Effect
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Xbox failure
Technology is so important these days that you can’t live without it. Just last Saturday my Xbox broke and I’ve been struggling with what to do. I know I have work to do and many other games to play but knowing that one option isn’t available messes the whole day up. Only now have I found time to actually write this. This is a huge inconvenience that I wish to tell you about.
It started in the morning and it was working perfectly. I was playing the last level on Halo 3 on the hardest difficulty. I decided to call my gaming friend because I wanted to play co-op, but he wasn’t available that day. I go back to my Xbox and it won’t turn on, and it had the red ring of death (as oppose to the blue screen of death). And after much research it said that it had an internal hardware failure. My friend had said that he could play tomorrow so in the morning of the next day I got one, one that was much better then the previous Xbox. But because my family was watching hockey, I wasn’t able to set it up. OY!
I know that I’m very lucky to even have an Xbox, but when I’m used to having it and it breaks, it has a serious effect on my day. It’s sort of like this for a lot of people. Have you ever been working and your Internet didn’t work? And because you need it, you start freaking out? Well it’s a bad habit in this modern age. We should try not to let this happen, so please join me in being less reliant on technology. We are very lucky to have technology and we shouldn’t be this reliant on it.
P.S. I commented on wyatt's blog
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ozy & Millie
Monday, April 19, 2010
I’m not the kind of person who likes to see plays and musicals, but just last weekend I saw a truly exceptional musical. I was with the Upper School choir on the CISMF trip, and on one of the nights we went to see a major production. It is called Grease, and it’s full of music, dancing, and a great story. Of the very few shows that I have seen, this is definitely the best.
Some of the amazing elements of the musical include, the great songs, astonishing actors, a famous country singer, big, grand sets, and a fluid plot. Some of my favorite songs of the musical are: Summer Nights, Greased Lightnin’, and We Go Together. The actors who perform these songs are brilliant; like Ace Young and Emily Padgett. Another famous name is Taylor Hicks who performed many old-fashioned country songs. For one of his songs he appeared out of a giant ice-cream cone that seemed to be solid. All of these elements came together for an amazing performance.
With each and every song, you wanted to get up and dance. The singers sung perfectly without any noticeable mistake. And the orchestra played the 50’s music very well too. The choreography for the singers was pretty cool; after a couple seconds of seeing them, it felt like you could do it too. The whole thing came together to be a truly remarkable performance.
P.S. I commented on emily M's blog
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My blog
Monday, February 15, 2010
There are only a few comic books that really make you think. Most of the time comic books have pointless superheroes fighting egomaniacal villains. Although Watchmen does have these elements, there is a huge amount of material that makes you ponder the way things are. Watchmen isn’t just a another comic book, it gets rid of the border between right and wrong, it gives a glimpse into an alternate reality, and it shows true human nature. Even though it is dark it’s possibly the greatest comic book ever made.
The book starts in 1985 with the murder of “The Comedian” who isn’t exactly a typical comedian (an assassin of sorts). After a failed police investigation, Rorschach (a costumed hero) does his own investigation in The Comedians apartment. It appears to Rorschach that there is a masked killer going after retired costumed heroes. Rorschach continues his investigation to find out who killed The Comedian while many other small side stories happen to reveal characters and an impending nuclear doom. When it all comes down to it, it turns out that it’s one of their own with a plot to prevent a war that could end the world but also kill millions of people. He had killed The Comedian because he figured it out. His plan was to use teleportation technology and a mutated creature to make it appear as in an alien tried to attack the world but failed. When other countries hear about this happening to the U.S.A. they stop fighting and offer help. In the long run the plan saved many lives but it also took many as well. It brings the ongoing question of what is right and what is wrong.
For every chapter there is a quote and some dense background info. The quotes always reflect on the events of the chapter. Some of them are from very famous people or places, such as Bob Dylan. The background info between each chapter contains information about character’s pasts, or other relavent information. Watchmen does contain adult...stuff, so reader discretion is advised for those who want to read it. All in all because of some very philosophical things, Watchmen is one of the best comic books ever made.
~Tristan J.R.M.~
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Do you enjoy reading those newspaper comics about talking animals? Or find yourself staring at dog bobble heads? If any of these are true, or if you just have a liking for animals, you may be a “furry”. A furry is someone who likes anthropomorphic animals (animals with human traits). There is a huge world of furries on the internet, some good, and unfortunately, some bad. I will talk to you about some of the better stuff.
I really enjoy surfing around good furry sites on the internet. There is one web comic called Faux Pas (pronounced Fox Paws) which I absolutely love. There are also some great works of art on Deviant Art that I like to browse. I also enjoy watching fandubs on youtube, these are videos from animated movies, or stuff like that, with different voices added on top. All in all furry fandom is a very big part in my life.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Who knows what goes through a 9 year olds head.
During the summer when I was 9, I was very bored. To keep myself amused I would sit out on our deck in the warm sun with a pencil and a piece of paper. On that piece of paper something amazing happened. I poured out the extent of my imagination onto the white sheet. What came out of it was Athos.
Athos is an imaginary world that I made up. On it are islands, oceans, and every kind of landform you can imagine. I also made plants and animals that inhabit the whole planet; from fish and sea monsters in the ocean to canines and felines on the land. One type of animal I made is the liber, which is basically a liger. Another thing is the culture; most of the animals are nomadic and they all speak the same language. I made this language at the same time as everything else but due to some improvements I am making on it, I’m still working on that part. I had everything I could think of, down on paper.
Over the years I added island chains, continents, cave networks, and new rivers. It was quite cool how I made so much. Soon I sort of left it for a year then I heard about NaNoWriMo(which I have mentioned in a previous blog post). It was the perfect opportunity to continue Athos. And thus my book was born.
Right now my book is 20069 words long and counting. It’s full of everything; excitement, suspense, mystery, and a few philosophical moments too. I work on it whenever I get the chance, but it is still going slowly. When I can, I like to write at the bookshelf cafe. Being there really helps the speed and quality of my writing. With any luck one day it will be published and Athos will become a series of books, and maybe a bestselling series. It all came to me when I was 9 and it all evolved from there, and hopefully it will go much farther than it is now.
Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010
Books leave most of the story to the imagination. Movies take that mental aspect away, but they can still provide entertaining visuals. Modern CGI is just getting better and better, so for some books it helps them to be turned into movies. Another issue is length; books can be as long as the author wants, whereas movies are almost always less than 3 hours. Given less time in a movie for character development can really change the way characters are understood by the viewers. In other terms, unless the movie adaption is really well done, it isn’t very good in my opinion.
Most of the time, movie adaptions don’t live up to their full potential. Many producers beg authors for the rights to make a movie; the book writer should take extreme discretion when making the decision. Although movies made from books aren’t always that good, they can still be entertaining... enough.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Like previously stated, technology is at a “boom”. First, the internet is expanding at an exponential rate. There are over 200 million users on MySpace, if that were its own country it would be the fifth largest in he world. Second is the raw technological information. Japan has developed a fibre optic cable that can push 14 trillion bits down a single fibre optic cable every second, and when you consider that there can be many more fibre optics in a single undersea cable, it makes you wonder how much information is out there. And finally is discovery. There are university students learning how to do jobs that don’t exist, with technology that doesn’t exist, to solve problems that aren’t problems yet! If we are able to solve all of the problems in the world (hunger for example) and we get every single human being focusing on our technological evolution there is no doubt that one day we will be capable of doing almost anything.
Facts from the video "Did You Know"